시애틀 관광청 소개

시애틀 관광청은 민간비영리단체로 지난 50년간 시애틀과 킹 카운티의 공식적인 관광마케팅기관 역할을 수행해왔다.  시애틀 관광청은 일자리 창출과 지역 경제 발전에 도움을 주고자 다양한 마케팅 및 홍보 활동을 펼치고 있다.


As a private, nonprofit marketing organization, Visit Seattle’s funding is derived from many sources, including hotel occupancy tax revenue from Seattle-King County visitors, Visit Seattle’s robust partnership program, its marketing programs, government contracts for service and miscellaneous revenue.


As a partnership-based organization, Visit Seattle connects more than 1,000 local businesses, their products and services with the lucrative visitor market. The Visit Seattle Partnership Services team also offers professional development events, orientations and a variety of networking tools throughout the year.

Visit the Partner Services area of Visit Seattle’s website to learn more about becoming a partner.


시애틀 관광청 한국 사무소 | 서울시 중구 서소문로 106 동화빌딩 10층 아비아렙스 코리아 | p. 02.777.6684 | f. 02.777.8179

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